August 01, 2006

Adventures in Sangria

Sangria is a marvelous Spanish concoction. Blended of wine, fruit, ice, lemons, grapes, melons, and juices, this quaff brings ecstacy to an evening of romantic conversation that only a moribund palate would fail to observe.

The same is true of adventures. We mix unknown roads with unknown people, places, and events, and voila -- a memory of a lifetime.

I do hereby toast all those who travel for the simple joy of adventure. You are the toastmasters of life. You are the ones who have tales worthy of telling. You are the ones who understand the importance of releasing the comfortable to venture into the unknown.

The meek will not understand. It's fine. They would miss the sense in the story told by Yann Martel in "The Story of Pi.":

"Once upon a time there was a banana and it grew. It grew until it was large, firm, yellow and fragrant. Then it fell to the ground and someone came upon it and ate it."

Life is precious, short, unpredictable, and challenging. Ride long my friends.

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