The world is blessed to have so many creative talents in our midst. One of them is Rob, a fellow who programmed some code into a random poetry generator. I thank my sister, Betsy (, for letting me know of this great tool. You can find it at the following URL:
I thought it would be fun to link it to my recent post about Dawn and Dusk, just to see what would happen. Amazingly, Rob's algorithm came up with the following rather lovely rendering of Zen Riding Poetry. Enjoy........
The way. Arundel
just as dusk set upon its vast expanse.
Best shared with motorcycling,
touring, travel, and fascinating people
along the TWO times when all nature was rising
and DUSK
It is a motorcycle tour
or floating waist high.
I was speechless
Magic moments DAWN
AND fascinating people along
the WILD Alpbach flowers
THE best things happen?
I recall riding into the fields
rose into the sky like our universe,
randomly chaotic
yet another day of a wafting fog
floating upon its vast expanse.
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