June 03, 2007


No One Sees You
Originally uploaded by _marmota.

The morning flowered slowly, softly, damply.

A sea fog had rolled onshore. The birds, but for two romanticly inclined morning doves, were unusually silent.

My duties today required that I ride away from the coast. Rain was coming soon so I hurried a bit more than usual for an otherwise still Sunday morn.

I soon found the rain.

A quick stop allowed me to don the rain suit. The rest of the ride moved from rain to fog and back again. Yet a feeling of total peace engulfed my soul as I zoomed along atop the motorcycle. It was just quintessentially peaceful.

I do not mind riding in the rain --high winds, yes, but not simple rain. In rain we find ourselves deeply sure that we know most things important.

There is always, however, that one special dream, that one particular harbor, our one fantastic goal that remains elusively just beyond our grasp. I want to embrace that dream and make it no longer a dream but a reality. I shall ride until it happens.

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