October 03, 2006


"But if you try sometimes," wrote the Rolling Stones, "you get what you need."

Watching my children grow into men I witnessed their nurture from childhood's natural expectation that everything would be instantly granted to adulthood's realization that some things just can't materialize so swiftly.

As I watched their maturation I learned more about myself as well. I learned that I am not a particularly patient man myself. I keep trying to learn patience, but it doesn't come so easily as I would wish.

Many of us share this foible; this inner desire to make today's wishes tomorrow's reality.

Understand that this is not about the infamous "instant gratification" syndrome. This is wholly different. This burning desire to make today's wishes our reality is about far more than instant pleasure: it's far more complex than that. It's about having a say in our futures.

We who wish to make reality out of dreams do so because we envision what could be as what can be. We think of those who create beauty and seek their company. We think of roads to paradise and seek to ride them. We see all possibilities as probabilities just waiting for someone to sculpt them.

I feel sorrow for the cynics of the world, for the pessimists who fail to let themselves see beauty in the loving people around them. I hear Mambo music when I see a smile. I hear trumpets when I see circling roads twisting through mountain roads. I hear beautiful guitar when I ride my motorcycle in any direction that seemed enticing when I pulled out my driveway.

So even if the Stones were right, and we can't always get what we want, we will simply learn to wait a bit more. But we will not give up on our dreams. As long as we remain honest and true of heart we will get what we need. And if we remain steadfast and of good spirit we'll likely enjoy a great ride along the way.

And that is what a good life should be, a great ride along the way.

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