September 21, 2006

Mist on the Lake

Reeds #9
Originally uploaded by peter bowers.

Between mist and mountain lies a lake. It is a lovely spot of water. Deer, moose, ducks and geese are drawn to this pool on a hill.

Proud pines, multi-hued maples, and brilliantly white birches line the shore. A canoe glides silently across the still waters that brighten with the dawn.

The paddler is skilled; her strokes make narry a sound.

Soon day will break and the mist will vaporize. The reeds stand tall: they have watched over this lake all season.

Educated by their ancient lineage the reeds know they'll sleep soon beneath a protective blanket of ice. They know equally well that Spring is just around the corner. They will again grow strong to guard their watery kingdom, their lake.

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